The sun splashes its tentacles of light into my kitchen, awakening my soul to sweet reveries. I can hear my nephew's laughter through the window, and his voice is the explosion of unrestrained joy. Joshua laughs at anything and everything; even the moments of discipline sustain the twinkle in his eye and the smile on his lips. A gentle breeze peers through the window, caressing my face with its silky touch. The maple tree is softly quivering, almost timidly, under the exuberant admiration of little Joshua.
It is a perfect day to be in love... and I am. I am in love with The Word, the Alpha that spoke the grandeur of nature into existence, and the Omega that sustains its atoms in their orbits. He is the great "I am", the one and only who is unshackled by time and unconfined by space. The eternal Word has left His imprint in the vast mystery of the skies, the raging majesty of the oceans and the myriad of organisms in between. He engineered the machinery of life and He invested His image in every Adam and Eve that roams His late great planet Earth.
From my kitchen window, I still see the maple trembling softly under the breath of the quiet breeze. As its branches grow larger day by day, its leaves clap in adoration of the Word that keeps it upward. I hear Joshua's river of laughter, and listen to his fragmented words expressing his inward fascination. This is my Father's world...