Michal and I recently returned from a trip on Vancouver Island, specifically the rainforest of Pacific Rim National Park. For three days, we walked the verdant trails colored in a thousand shades of green, breathing in the pulse of the forest. We unplugged ourselves from the attachment of all things electronic and we planted our souls and our feet on the hallowed ground of the centuries-old sanctuary of giant evergreens, their branches embracing the sky. Silvery cedars, weathered and stressed by time and rain, stretched their twisted trunks on our paths across several feet. Old Man's beard linches, appropriately named due to their hairy, silvery appearance, hung like tinsel from branches of fir and hemlock, their delicate strands supplying the machinery for photosynthesis. Sometimes the canopy of branches was so thick and the foliage so dense that sunlight was off limits on these trails. Above us, branches covered in moss and fungus contorted their silhouettes in intricate, asymmetrical shapes. Below us, banana slugs unveiled their black-speckled contours as rain was falling gently on the ground. And the ocean always in our ears... We walked excitedly, allured by the restless buffeting of the waves calling us to praise the One whose voice is like the sound of many waters. Sometimes we would hear its billows from far away, unleashing their grand fury against the sentinel of rocks. Ah, if we could hear the secrets of the great waters within the anger of their poundings! If the ears of our hearts could decipher the agony of the billows...
Walking beneath the cupola of the luscious forest, the ocean beating against a nearby shore, our hearts were melting in thanksgiving to the One who created such grandeur for our delight. The heavens declare the glory of God -and how vividly we saw His creative majesty in this unparalleled panorama of surreal beauty. He reveals Himself in the firmament above, in the luxuriant shades of green around us, in the force of the ocean reverberating within us. How awesome God must be to have authored such splendor! How extravagant in beauty my God must be to have birthed such grandeur... how pregnant with creative energy is His word to have spoken such a world into existence! Oh, that the whole world may praise Him for His wonderful works!
I can still smell the colors of the forest as it came alive under a gentle mist that afternoon of August. I close my eyes and I see the ocean crashing with unstoppable might against the gentle sands of the shore. I hear the seagulls in their dance across the waters, their delicate song a fit complement to the roar of the waves. I see God's heart pulsating with beauty and love in this extraordinary unfolding of color and sound. Verily it is well with my soul...
"For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God" (Romans 1:20)
"Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!" (Psalm 107:15)