Some of my reflections will seem incredibly "trifling", like my love for chocolate. Yes, you read it right. Yesterday I made a batch of raw chocolate fudge that looks deceptively healthy (no dairy, gluten-free, grain-free; I mean, it is practically a vegetable). "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good...", cried the psalmist, and every time I serve my favorites in the food department, my tastebuds throw a party. The cocoa bean is His idea, and this small seed was designed for our pleasure!
At time, my reflections will read more like a journal. Today, Michal and I took a walk under the warm September sun, and my heart was filled with gratitude for autumn's day two that resembled summer's day one. The air was warm, the sun was incredibly bright, and a gentle breeze was swaying the auburn leaves in a dance of light and shadows. As evening drew near, He painted the skies with hues of orange, pink and gold-and He invited me to watch the dusk of today and the birth of tomorrow.
What do chocolate, and sunsets, and warm autumn walks have to do with anything, you ask? They are gifts that speak of a God who defines beauty, and joy, and pleasure. He is everywhere... if we only stop long enough to see Him. He fills our plates with the fat of the Earth, He colors our horizons with rainbow hues, He smiles in the glow of tepid September strolls. "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands..."Sometimes we will explore the breath of rocks, and other times we will ponder the big questions of life. Through it all, God will be our center, the Bible our teacher, and His goodness our anchor.
Oh, that we would stop and explore the beauty of God in the small and great gifts of life... "Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good" - I pray that this truth will be etched on the tablets of our hearts in colors of crimson.