Voices. so many voices... They are assailing our souls through the incessant stream of carefully-crafted news reports; through the billboards that tempt us to ignore the tenth commandment; through the violent invasion of media platforms that seek to mold us into the likeness of this age, to absorb us into the stream of this world until we act no longer as the image bearers of God. Voices savage in their call, sirens that lead to death of reason and ultimately eternal separation from God.
Most of the voices that seek to impose their authority on us have their origin in nefarious lords, kings of the underworld who walk among us in human form. They beguile to destroy, to separate, to confuse. Sure, they may fly their message with the silver wings of a dove, but their inner bellies are vultures of darkness and deceit. They are citizens of Babylon, and once again are uniting in their pursuit to reach a heaven without God, a salvation without the cross.
To everyone whose heart is yearning for a higher tune, a small and gentle voice still speaks, still seeks. This Voice is a call to love, a call to God, for God is love. Love that still walks the paths of a long-ago tainted garden, Love that replicates itself in sons and daughters of that firstly-blessed couple, Love whose hands and feet are The church. Jesus the Christ is The Word we are feverishly seeking for, the living water our burning souls thirst for. There is no clarity apart from His message, no unity outside His banner, no peace away from His rule. In Him there is no darkness-His robes are not the murky garb of deceit, but the brilliant vestment of truth. "I am the way, the truth and the life", He said-and to anyone willing to listen, His cross speaks a message of freedom and eternal life. To anyone willing to know things as they are, go to the first stream, the first word, the first cause. Seek Him in the Book that speaks salvation, the Book that unveils the plan of God, the Book that instructs in the paths of life. The gate is very narrow, and the road is difficult, but it is the only path to life. Draw away from the maddening throng, away from the noise, and you will hear that still, small voice, you will hear life -maybe for the first time.
"Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth." (John 17:17)
"Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)
Mary drew her Son close to her breast, the smell of His newborn skin enveloping her senses. She could feel His breath exhaled in a soft mi...